Biblical, Forgiveness, Praise

Praise The Lord O My Soul

Praise the Lord O my soul,

All my being praise God’s holy name,

Praise the Lord O my soul,

And remember the kindness of God.


The Lord forgives all your sins,

And heals your diseases,

He rescues your life from the grave,

And crowns you with love and compassion,

He fills you with every kind of good,

And lifts you up on wings like an eagle.


For the Lord is a righteous Judge,

He brings justice for the oppressed,

He revealed to Moses his ways,

to the children of Israel his works.


The Lord our God is compassion and love,

Slow to anger and abounding in mercy,

He will not punish us when we despair,

His anger will not last forever,

He does not treat us according to our sins,

Or repay us as we deserve.


As high as the sky above the earth,

So is God’s compassion for all who love him.

As far as the East is from the West,

so far he removes from us our sins!


– Psalm 103.