
Australia Day Prayer

We bless you, God of the universe,
for this land,
for its contrasts of landscape and climate,
for its abundance of wealth and opportunity.
We bless you for our history,
with all its struggles in adversity,
its courage and hope.
Give us in our diversity
tolerance and respect for each other
and a passionate commitment to justice for all.
Bless us so that we might be a blessing to others.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

God of love and freedom,
we bring our thanks today for the peace and security we enjoy.
We remember those who in time of war faithfully served their country.
We pray for their families,
and for ourselves whose freedom was won at such a cost.
Make us people for peace,
and hasten the day
when nation shall not lift up sword against nation
neither learn war any more.
This we pray in the name of the one who gave his life
for the sake of the world: Jesus Christ, our Redeemer.

Lord God, bring us together as one,
reconciled with each other.
You made us in your likeness,
you gave us your Son, Jesus Christ.
He has given us forgiveness from sin.
Lord God, bring us together as one,
different in culture, but given new life in Jesus Christ,
together as your body, your Church, your people.
Lord God, bring us together as one,
reconciled, healed, forgiven,
sharing you with others as you have called us to do.
In Jesus Christ, let us be together as one.

Generous God,
we give thanks for this ancient and beautiful land,
a land of despair and hope,
a land of wealth and abundant harvests,
a land of fire, drought and flood.
We pray that your Spirit may continue to move in this land
and bring forgiveness, reconciliation, and an end to all injustice;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

– Anglican Church of Australia. A prayer book for Australia. Broughton Books, 1995.