
Over many years Matt from St Luke’s Lutheran Church Nambour has been collecting ancient and modern prayers.  We believe that prayers (both biblical and not) are like bush tracks to meander and explore.  You never know where they might take you.  We don’t want this to become ‘fast prayer’ that you can just grab, pop in the microwave, and serve up instantly.  Please use this resource to reflect and slow down.

This site is a labour of love, raises no money and has no purpose for profit. We just share prayers!

We can be contacted at matt@justprayer.org or through St Luke’s Lutheran Church Nambour and you can find Matt’s poems and sermons at www.gracespace.info

Contributing Your Prayers

If you would like to contribute a prayer we would love that.  We are looking for four basic things:

1. Honesty (even if it’s not pretty!)

2. Simple direct language (but still can be beautiful and poetic)

3. Christ centred

4. Approaching God through grace (not law).

We respect copyright! Don’t just go copying prayers without taking note of source, authors and if they are copyrighted.  In many cases Matt has collected ancient prayers from multiple sources and edited or created his own simple translation.  If it’s a well known ancient prayer you might attempt that too!


Matt Thiele (Pastor @ St Luke’s Lutheran Church Nambour)

Doug Fitzpatrick (Pastor @ Immanuel Lutheran Church Buderim)

Rick Zweck (Pastor in Glory)

Norm Auricht (Headmaster, Teacher, Elder)

Melita Jones (Interessor and pastoral carer)

Rob Knock (Elder, Leader, Visioner)

Nathan Hedt (Pastor, Faith Community Planter)

Ben Thiele (Prayer Leader)

Eunice Wallis (Ministry Leader)

Julie Connah (Spiritual Director, Teacher, Poet)

Christine Mallouhi (Missionary, Author, Poet, Theologian)