Teach us, Lord, to do the little things as though they were great because of the majesty of Christ who does them in us and who lives our life. Teach us to do the greatest things as though they were little and easy because of Christ’s power! – Blaise Pascal 1623-1662AD famous for his mathematics and Pascal’s triangle!
Author: matt
An Australia Day Prayer
God of grace, God of life, hear the cries from the heart of Australia: The cry of the farmers, struggling for survival in the face of change and uncertainty, seeking direction, shaping the future. The cry of the cities, busy and noisy, with so many people who need to learn to live together in peace. The cry of Aboriginal communities,…
In The Morning Christ Will Come To Me
In the morning Christ will come to me. He will redeem my life from the grave; he will surely take me to himself… In the morning Christ will come to me. He will redeem my life from the grave; he will surely take me to himself… In the morning Christ will come to me. He will redeem my life from…
I Wait For The Lord
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits. And in his word I put my hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchman wait for the morning, more than watchman wait for the morning. I wait for the Lord, my soul waits. And in his word I put my hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than…
Throne Within – Bernard of Clairvaux
Lord God, Come quickly and reign on Your throne within me! For something rises and tries to take possession of your throne; Pride, greed, uncleanness and laziness want to be my kings. And then evil-words, anger, hatred, and a whole band of evil join the war trying to rule me. I resist them, I cry out against them. I say…
Luther’s Morning Prayer
I thank you heavenly Father, through your dear Son Jesus Christ, that you have protected me through the night from all harm and danger. I ask you to keep me this day, too, from all sin and evil so that in my thoughts, words and deeds I may please you. In your hands I place my body and soul and…
Traditional Prayer Of The Church
In peace, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. For the peace from above, and for our salvation, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. For the peace of the whole world, for the wellbeing of the church of God, and for the unity of all, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. For…
Prayer For The Lonely
We pray for all who are lonely, children who are being bullied and dare not tell anyone; shy people who make it hard to make friends; those who feel rejected and isolated; those whose partner has died or left them; and the elderly people who miss their families and old friends. Be with them all in infinite love.
Jesus Tender Shepherd
Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me: Bless your little child to-night; Through the darkness please with me, Keep me safe till morning light. All this day Your hand has led me, And I thank Your for Thy care; Thou hast warmed me, clothed me, fed me; Listen to my evening prayer. May my sins be all forgiven; Bless the friends I…
Rest In God – King David
My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken. How long will enemies assault me? Would they throw me down – like a leaning wall, a tottering fence? Surely they intend to topple me and knock me off my…