Celtic, Journey & Travel

When I Travel – Saint Columba

I may travel alone yet I’m never alone, for you, my God, are always with me;   there is no need to be afraid   when the Lord of day and night   is always here. Within your hand   I am much safer   than with an armed band. St Columba 521-597AD, Iona

Celtic, Confession

Kyrie Eleison – From The Scottish Arbuthnott Missal

Father, True Essence of the Godhead, have mercy on us. Father, the Light and Creator of all things, have mercy on us. Father, who sealed humanity with your image, have mercy on us. Christ, True God and True Man, have mercy on us. Christ, Rising Sun, through whom are all things, have mercy on us. Christ, Perfection of Wisdom, have…


Celtic, Journey & Travel

The Journey Prayer – St Brendan

  God, bless to me this day, God bless to me this night; Bless, O bless, Thou God of grace, Each day and hour of my life; Bless, O bless, Thou God of grace, Each day and hour of my life. God, bless the pathway on which I go; God, bless the earth that is beneath my sole; Bless, O…


Celtic, Short

Morning Star – Bede The Venerable

O Christ, our Morning Star, Splendour of Light Eternal, shining with the glory of the rainbow, come and waken us from the greyness of our apathy, and renew in us your gift of hope. Amen.   – Bede the Venerable

Celtic, Pain

My Soul’s Healer

God my soul’s healer, Keep me at even, Keep me at morning, Keep me at noon, On rough course faring, Help and safeguard You are my security this night. I am tired, astray, and stumbling, Shield Thou me from snare and sin. In the name of Christ.  Amen.   – From the Carmina Gadelica – Submitted by Doug

Ancient, Celtic

St Patrick’s Blessing

May the Strength of God guide us. May the Power of God preserve us. May the Wisdom of God instruct us. May the Hand of God protect us. May the Way of God direct us. May the Shield of God defend us. May the Angels of God guard us Against the snares of the evil one. Christ be with us!…


Celtic, Journey & Travel

Journey & Journey’s End – Boethius

O Father, give the spirit power to climb To the fountain of all light, and be purified. Break through the mists of earth, the weight of the soil, Shine forth in splendour, you that are calm weather, And quiet resting place for souls. To see you is the end and the beginning, You carry us, and you go before, You…


Celtic, Mealtime & Table Grace

A Celtic Table Grace

God in our waking, God in our speaking, God in our cooking, God in our eating, God in our playing, God in our digesting, God in our working, God in our Resting.   (Optional extra lines…) When many are hungry, may we eat with humble hearts; When many are lonely, may we share with joyful hearts.   – A commonly found prayer:…


Blessing, Celtic

Traditional Gaelic Blessing

May the Everlasting Father take you In his own generous clasp, In his generous arm. May the Everlasting Father shield you East and west wherever you go.   – Source unknown.

Celtic, Evening, Need Or Trial

At Night – St Columba

Lord God, at Night You are the bright flame to enlighten me, the guiding star to lead me, the path beneath my feet, and the Good Shepherd along the way, now and forever more.   – St Columba 521-597AD, Iona  (slightly edited!)