Mystics, Praise, Trinity

Trinity Prayer – Richard Rohr

God For Us, we call You Father, God Alongside Us, we call You Jesus, God Within Us, we call You Holy Spirit. You are the Eternal Mystery That enables, enfolds, and enlivens all things, Even us and even me. Every name falls short of your Goodness and Greatness. We can only see who You are in what is. We ask…


Biblical, Creation, Praise, Trinity

Trinity Christ Canticle

This corporate prayer is a poetic translation of Proverbs 8:22-36… I was there at the very beginning of God’s work: the first work, the act, the first move!       We praise you Christ – the wisdom of God! I was there from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began.       We praise you Christ – the wisdom of God!…


Creation, Praise

Creation Praise – Francis of Assisi

Most High, all powerful, good Lord,to you all praise, glory and honour and all blessing;to you alone, Most High, they belongand no one is worthy of naming you. Praised by you, Lord God,with all your creatures,especially Brother Sun,who brings day, and by whom you enlighten us;he is beautiful, he shines with great splendour,of you, Most High, he is a symbol.…


Pastors, Praise

Teach Us The Art Of Praise – C.H. Spurgeon

O God, teach us to begin the music of heaven! Grant us grace to have many rehearsals of the eternal Hallelujah. ‘Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name.’ Grant us grace that we may not bring Thee blessings merely because Thou dost feed us, and clothe us, and because we receive…


Ancient, Praise, Short

No Praises Are Adequate

Who on earth can adequately sing your praises? What can my eye see with which I can liken you? What music is there with which to compare you? You are above me, below me, within me and without. All exist in you, all are from you, you give us everything you withhold nothing. Who on earth can sing your praises? Origin unknown, supposedly a Jewish prayer from around or just…


Ancient, Longing, Praise

Nothing But You – St Augustine

Lord Jesus, let me know myself and know You, And desire nothing but You. Let me forget myself and love You. Let me do everything for the sake of You. Let me humble myself and exalt You. Let me think nothing except You. Let me die to myself and live in You. Let me accept whatever happens as from You.…


Praise, Scholars

Way Truth & Life – Erasmus

Lord Jesus Christ, The way, the truth and the life! Do not let us stray from your path, For you are our way. Do not let us distrust your promises, For you are the truth. Do not let us rest in anything other than you, For your are our life. Lord Jesus, You are the one to believe, You are…


Ancient, Creation, Praise

Prayer Of Praise – St Gregory of Nazianzus

O God, You alone are unutterable, from the time you created all things that can be spoken of. You alone are unknowable, from the time you created all things that can be known. All things cry out about you, those which speak, and those which cannot speak. All things honour you; those which think, and those which cannot think. For…


Orthodox, Praise, Trinity

Orthodox Glorias 3

A continued collection of glorias from the Ikos (festival hymns) of the Orthodox church… Glory to Thee, giving us light Glory to Thee, loving us with love so deep, divine and infinite Glory to Thee, blessing us with light, and with the host of angels and saints Glory to Thee, Father all-holy, promising us a share in Thy Kingdom Glory…


Orthodox, Praise

Orthodox Glorias 2

A continued collection of glorias from the Ikos (festival hymns) of the Orthodox church… Glory to Thee, satisfying my desires with good things Glory to Thee, watching over me day and night Glory to Thee, curing affliction and emptiness with the healing flow of time Glory to Thee, no loss is irreparable in Thee, Giver of eternal life to all…


Orthodox, Praise

Orthodox Glorias 1

A collection of glorias from the Ikos (festival hymns) of the Orthodox church… Glory to Thee for calling me into being Glory to Thee, showing me the beauty of the universe Glory to Thee, spreading out before me heaven and earth Like the pages in a book of eternal wisdom Glory to Thee for Thine eternity in this fleeting world…


Orthodox, Praise

The Gloria Canticle

Glory to God, who has shown us the Light! Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good will to all. We praise You, We bless You, We worship You, We glorify You, We give thanks to You for Your great glory. O Lord God, Heavenly King, God the Father Almighty, O Lord, the Only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ,…
