Dying & Loss, Need Or Trial

In The Morning Christ Will Come To Me

In the morning Christ will come to me. He will redeem my life from the grave; he will surely take me to himself…

In the morning Christ will come to me. He will redeem my life from the grave; he will surely take me to himself…

In the morning Christ will come to me. He will redeem my life from the grave…

In the morning Christ will come to me…

In the morning Christ…

In the morning…


– Inspired by Psalm 49:15

– From Bill Gaultiere at www.soulshepherding.org

Bill writes…  As you pray “In the Morning” try imagining your own grave — death will come to you and you will have to let go of your physical life in this world. Into this scene overlay the empty tomb of Christ, the Easter sunrise, and the risen Christ appearing to take you into the heavens! You can also use this prayer to help you deny yourself and let go in a particular challenge.