Baptism, Creation

Thank You For The Waters

Thank you Jesus for the waters,

The waters over which the Holy Spirit hovered before the world was made,

The waters of the Red Sea through which you saved Israel,

The waters of the Jordan which healed the leper Namaan,

The waters drawn from the well at Cana,

The waters that you turned to wine to tell us the feast has begun,

The waters in which you washed your disciple’s feet,

The waters beside the road when Phillip baptised the great African ruler,

The waters of the Rive Of Life,

The waters from the tap,

The waters at the beach,

The waters from which we are made.

Thank you Jesus,

That you choose something so simple and powerful as water.

Thank you Jesus,

That through the waters of baptism,

You have chosen us.

Thank you Jesus for the waters!



– Matt Thiele.